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HOME > ABOUT US > Group To Introduce
Group To Introduce
ITW Food Equipment Group belongs to Illinois Tool Works (ITW), and is a global professional company committed to the research and development, manufacturing, marketing and service of commercial food equipment. Owns many well-known brands, and extensive product coverage, including warewashing, food processing, refrigeration, cooking & baking equipment, and related services. As a pioneer of the food catering and processing industry, offers a number of revolutionary and creative products.
唐山市| 宣武区| 肇东市| 奇台县| 萨迦县| 布拖县| 凭祥市| 德阳市| 尖扎县| 佛山市| 阜新市| 晋中市| 天门市| 陆良县| 威宁| 元氏县| 武威市| 奉贤区| 赣榆县| 兴山县| 祁门县| 工布江达县| 南城县| 临邑县| 绥化市| 阳西县| 依兰县| 石嘴山市| 新田县| 天水市| 惠东县| 白银市| 扎鲁特旗| 谢通门县| 平谷区| 连南| 孙吴县| 盱眙县| 克山县| 故城县| 宜春市| http://www.xtpxb.com http://www.hzpych.com http://www.xypiaowu.com http://www.tjhyyq.com http://www.fstyzs.com http://www.y9811.com